Sentence Completion Workshop How to get the most out of
viewing your completions.
Many users have asked for advice about how to best work with the results of their sentence completion work.

Here are six tips.

  1. Print your completions out. Printing your work enables anytime, anywhere notation. Capture further insight and reflection easily.

  2. Read your completions. The simple act of reading your completions can be very healing. The act itself says, "My thoughts are important. It's a good investment of my time to listen to them." The act of reading in itself expresses a commitment to consciousness, to awareness, to self-acceptance. In the simple act of listening and noticing, you lay the critical building blocks that enable deeper insight and personal empowerment.

  3. Note High Impact Completions. Note which completions seem to resonate most deeply with you with a simple mark like an asterisk or a bullet.

    Note what feelings are aroused in you when reviewing high impact completions. Note specifically where in your body you feel your emotional response.

    As you get more experienced and courageous with the process, your high impact completions and the feelings they arouse in you will spark you to create new custom sentence completion programs you can use to explore sensitive issues more completely.

  4. Do some Integration exercises. Choose an integration exercise to flush out the thoughts, ideas, images, associations that are sparked by reading your completions.

    Good sentence stems that spark integration include:
    If any of this is true...
    It is slowly and reluctantly dawning on me...
    I'm beginning to see...
    I'm beginning to suspect...
    One of the things we can do in the next month...
    One of the ways we'll keep this spirit alive...

  5. Take the "Sustaining Training Gains" program to help identify ways you can sustain the higher level of consciousness you have come to enjoy at InsideU.

  6. Write out an appropriate short-term action plan. Based upon the learnings that have emerged this far, set yourself a short-term goal of no greater than two weeks duration, that would entail translating at least some of these learnings into action, and then, write out an appropriate short-term action plan to cover this two-week period. At the end of that period, do it again, but this time projecting a month into the future. If possible, share your action plan with colleagues so you can help one another monitor your behavior and assess how it relates to your professed intentions and plans.